Book Description
This is the story of Isabella Torrance, preserved through letters and other records now held in the Rare Book and Manuscript Collection of the J. Murrey Atkins Library at UNCC.
The story is written from the points of view of those who lived it and told in the language they spoke. It tells the story of growing up on a wealthy antebellum plantation in Mecklenburg County and at the Salem Female Boarding School; of pioneering in primitive conditions on the Mississippi frontier; and of Isabella’s return to Mecklenburg as a young widow with a small child. Currently out of print but may be found on resale sites. We are in the process of having this book reprinted. A few signed copies are available here for $90.
About the Author
Ann Williams was a Florida native and a graduate of the University of Florida. She lived in Charlotte NC from 1969 until her death in 2001 and had been a volunteer interpreter at a number of regional historic sites for nearly 25 years. Her research interests began with textiles and costumes with a practical bent toward their reproduction and have broadened to include many aspects of early American life, concentrating on the Carolina Piedmont and its people.
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